White Rose & Hydrangea Mist Bouquet
The White Rose & Hydrangea Mist Bouquet is a vision of sophistication. A faux floral masterpiece, this bouquet features pristine white roses surrounded by a tranquil mist of hydrangeas, hinting at a delicate morning dew. This bouquet, timeless in its design and unfading in its appeal, serves as a perfect accessory for celebratory events or as an enduring decorative element in any space. Its subtle color palette and natural appearance ensure that it will retain a fresh, captivating presence, enhancing the ambiance on any occasion.
- Dimensions: 9 Inch Height, 8 Inch Width (approximate)
- Lifelike and lasting, maintains natural beauty year after year
- Made with genuine Real Touch roses
- Made with silk hydrangea
- Velvet ribbon wrapped handle